I recently finished reading A Higher Call by Adam Makos, the true story of a German fighter pilot who spared an American, and the relationship that grew between opposing warriors.
Honor and Integrity
The first part of the book details the experiences and exploits of Franz and his squadron mates. I am surprised by how strong the honor code was in the Luftwaffe, including towards their enemy. There are several examples of older pilots mentoring younger ones in this, and in real life application.
Another point is how most Luftwaffe pilots held the Nazi's in great disdain because of their message, how they manipulated the nation, and their program to eliminate Jews from the national register. As the truth became known to them it saddened and angered them. They knew it was evil and hated it, yet they went to war and fought hard for their nation, one they knew was evil. Why?
Pride is A Dangerous Path
The answer is a great caution to us today. They fought for Germany because they were Germans and rightfully proud of their nation and heritage, despite the evil they heard, saw, and recognized. They fought on evil's side while rejecting it in their own hearts. Why? Because they were good Germans.
The parallels between then and now are stunning. We are told what to think and ostracized and persecuted if we dare to think and speak differently. Hitler's devotion to the Big Lie and its promulgation to every level of society has a new set of converts. The lies are different, but the passion and force are the same. Our society is corrupted, our nation is corrupted, and our people are corrupted. Not all of course, but most, regardless of tribal color. Basic freedoms, the Constitution, morality, and faith are all under assault and this seems the right thing to do for most of us. We have lost our way.
My Citizenship is Not on Earth
I am proud to be an American, but I am not proud of America today. I consider myself a citizen of Heaven first and must be on guard against pride in a nation that no longer exists as it was. I must ask myself what that means in terms of what I believe and how I act. It is a matter of integrity, purpose, and faithfulness.
Yeshua says that we are to give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Yes, we must. But our hearts and spirits are our own to decide and live. No one can ever take that away from us, and we cannot abdicate responsibility for them. I pray that I will find ways to live mine for Yahweh, for His way. Part of that, a big part I think, is praying for the nation I love, for its leaders and its people. E Pluribus Unum, or Out of Many One, no longer represents who we are. My prayer is that we may become E Pluribus Unus Sub Deo (Out of Many, One Under God). That is my heart for this nation, and it will continue to be my prayer.