What follows is an old entry from my morning journal. These are meant to be private and introspective, but I thought this one might be a good reminder that there is more to life than the past, an issue that overcomers often struggle with. That is natural, but we cannot allow it to trap us in the past. Instead, it should remind us we still have a new path to walk out. Sometimes, we need to give ourselves a pep talk. Here is one of mine.
What is it about, this constant thinking of a life poorly lived? Are you fascinated that you made it this far, or sorry over how you've wasted it? You sold out to the world, left Truth behind, and walked in darkness. Yes, it was bad. Was. That is the key thing. It was bad. Now it is wonderful. Why not think on that?
The wine glass is no longer full, but it is certainly not empty. What remains is yet to be discovered, tasted, and enjoyed. Do that! What is gone is in the past. Lost? Maybe, maybe not. What is in the past still exists in time, and time can be redeemed.
By living every nano-second in God's presence. Live for Him as He pleases. Make new wine. Live a life that makes the past an important part of your story, but just a part, a part that magnifies the light of His Glory that covers you now.
Live for that!