In last week's post, I discussed the importance of having a vibrant prayer life and the role of the Holy Spirit in facilitating our communion with God. This week we take a look at a number of strategies and actions that set us on course to a consistent, strong, and intimate relationship with God through close connection and faithfulness. When He sees that our desire is matched by our action, things begin to happen.
One comment before we get to it. We come from many faith positions. You may be a relatively new believer, returning to God after being away for some time, a person who has a good relationship but you want more, or even one who is still searching. We also come to this subject from different faith perspectives, including different theologies and doctrines. Regardless of where your belief home base is, I challenge you to accept and engage with the notion that there is more. In other words, do not allow old beliefs to extinguish new hunger for the full expression of God's truth and power in your life. One of my favorite scriptures focuses on this point.
Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. Psalm 86:11 (ESV, emphasis mine)
If you are searching for a way to peace in this time of chaos, truth that is unmoved by man's rationalizations, and intimacy in your relationship with God, then these strategies are meant for you. Some may be new to you and some may need to be dusted off, but they all have a purpose in deepening our relationship with the Holy. Honor them with your best approach and consistency.
Vary routines to keep them fresh
Many believers have established times and locations for reading God's Word, prayer, and meditation. This is generally a good thing unless it becomes routine, a pattern without true engagement. When this happens, as it can, we should recognize it for what it is and take our opportunities where they come, even if at a different time and place. Some vary their engagement with prayer on purpose, taking advantage of weather seasons to change locations, for example. If you catch yourself praying the same words as if reading from the same script day after day or begin to feel unmotivated or unfulfilled in your time with God then you can be sure you need to kick it up a notch. If this happens, seek God's face as David did, asking Him to guide you.
Personalize it
Praying from the depths of your heart puts your stamp on your conversation with God. Not many people pray in formal, stilted language when praying from the heart. When we let it all hang out it can be messy and that is okay. In fact, that is perfect. Sometimes it will be like a conversation with a close friend. Sometimes it is like opening the hidden vault of our innermost fears, joys, desires, and secrets. Sometimes it is an expression of our anxieties, dreams, love, or honor. When your heart speaks to you in these ways then speak to God likewise. He already knows so there is no point in concealing it. Let it out. Be real.
Another strategy is to personalize prayers found in scripture by putting yourself in the picture, talking to God as if you were praying the prayer. The Psalms are full of David's prayers of confession, praise, worship, thankfulness, honor, integrity, and requests for favor or for protection in dire circumstances, and they are powerful when adapted to our own lives. (FN link to David's prayers)
Activate the gateway to the throne
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! Psalm 95:2 (ESV)
Beginning prayer with praise and thanksgiving separates us from the things that clamor for our attention, focusing our heart, spirit, soul, and mind on God. Heartfelt worship and adoration carry us to the foot of His throne, connecting us to Him in real time as Heaven and earth meld together. This is our time to tell God how we love Him, how deeply we long for Him, and to lift up His Name and attributes, to declare Him to our world. Doing this with all earnestness pulls us in until praising Him is all we want to do. The rest will come later but we begin by honoring, loving, praising, worshipping, and bowing before Him. It is not a formality or ritual, it is love and adoration in action.
Pray Continually
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV)
So you're feeling pretty good about your normal morning or evening prayer time. Great. When else do you pray? Paul tells us that God's will for us is that we know the joy of communing with Him on a continual basis, about ... anything. Anything? Yes, including for those we see in distress as we go about the day, a bad moment we are having, thankfulness for an unexpected joy, asking in the moment what we are to do in life situations, interceding for others, and on and on. Nothing is too small, nothing is too big, and there is no time like the moment. Short "popcorn prayers" or longer and more thoughtful prayers - they are all about a state of mind, the state of our spirit, constantly seeking and living in His presence. When God puts something on your heart or mind, talk to Him about it.
Pray in the Spirit
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:26-27 (ESV)
Some believe that praying in the Spirit is a good thing, some don't. I was in the latter camp most of my life and now wish I had known better. But it is a matter of personal theology so ... it's personal. Having said that, my own experience is that my spirit and the Spirit that is of God communicate much better with each other and thus with God than my poor words can. There are things that I do not comprehend that they are aware of and there are things I know about but do not know how to pray about. The Spirit knows and the Spirit prays what is on my heart in ways that I cannot. When this happens, there is greater depth, more intimacy, and closer communion.
Engage the power of silence
Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and wondered when you will ever get a chance to speak? I think God sometimes feels that way when we pray. We barely get into it before we start pouring out our anxieties, wants, and complaints and don't think to ask Him what He desires, what is on His heart. Instead of watching the clock and rushing through your conversation with God, give Him the floor. Still your mind, open your heart, and ask Him what He thinks about your life and your world. Then, listen. When your mind starts to wander, catch it and return to the silence that seeks God's voice. Lean into Him with an open heart. Surrender everything. Empty yourself in His presence and be amazed. Learning this discipline alone will change your life.
Pray about praying
No matter how hard we try and how good our prayer life may be at times, there will also be times when it just isn't the same. What to do? Call God's 911 line - pray to Him about your prayer life. Ask Him to teach you how He wants you to pray, about what, and why. Let Him know that you desire intimate conversation with Him, that you want to know what He desires of your prayer life. Then listen with your heart and spirit for His reply.
Journal your prayer life
I prefer to journal by hand on actual paper because doing it this way requires more thoughtfulness. It is slower and there is no delete button. Once it is out and on paper it's there and can't be taken back. Often, I find myself praying about what I am writing down as I write. What do I journal about regarding prayer? The things God has shared with me, instructions for life, my love for Him, things that meditations impress upon me, things I hear, see, or experience as part of prayer, encouragements, corrections, and inspirations. This discipline is impactful in the moment, but I sometimes find them even more impactful later. If, for example, I begin to feel that my connection to God is not as strong as I desire, reading through these journals is a sure path back to His feet. They remind me of times He has spoken to me, given me direction, or blessed me. Journaling this way sets them in my memory and they are always there to prompt me when I go looking. They are one of my treasures.
These reminders are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. There is so much to prayer and yet it is so simple. Just surrender and let God guide you. Focus on Him. Praise and worship Him. Honor Him, bless Him. Confess the things that need confessing. Express your thankfulness for His interest and action in your life and ask for His help where it is needed. Put God first in prayer with faithfulness and transparency, then watch what happens.